Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Does Low Energy Make You Move Like a Turtle?

The 5 devils of depression.


Women farmers rally, Konch by lucyd43    Women farmers rally, Konch by lucyd43    Woman farmer in India showing off sorghum? harvest by farmingmatters

These are the terms people use to describe HOW you 
are instead of how you feel. And you thought being 
labeled as mentally ill is bad enough. 

Nobody cares that your overall self expression is due to prolong 

        Low engery
                                    daytime sleepiness 

Depressed moods                    Soreness

Yet, to  make matters worst, others like to see you and 

identify you with these insulting labels. It serves people's 
needs in trying to communicate about you.

Are you aching to find the Old You, full of 
Energy and Vibrancy? When you have energy, 

Your Smiles Come Easy,
You Move Quick,
You Feel Strong,
You engage readily,
You feel
Alert, Energetic, and Driven.

I'm sure that's how you want to feel today, and everyday.
I do too.

Are you indoor today?
Let some sun in by opening the curtain a little!

Whatever you can think of doing, and would

like some energy to do it, here are some simple
ways to and get that Surge of Energy:

adult, artistic, beautyFoods      
Such as hot pepper and..

...Hot Tea                        
If you like Ginger, you can try making tea with 
fresh ginger. I use it on very cold days of the winter. 
It gives lots of energy and it also is a good remedy for..

Stomach Upset or 

These are remedies I know and use them myself. Instead of rushing to the drug store to buy OTC med while undergoing a stomach upset, I can use a few SLICES of ginger if I have them handy.

I've drank tea for many years until I gotten hooked on Coffee with cream and sugar.

While drinking tea first..

Heats you up, then
Gives you a high on its aromas, then
Relaxes you for a long while, and if
You keep on drinking then you'd have to stop because
You'd feel kind of full.

But coffee, no uh. You probably know what coffee makes you feel. I get addicted to its sweet bitter taste and would live on it. But when I get full on it, I also would feel cramp in the stomach due to the high dose of sugar I added.

:)I'll let you in to more tips on gaining energy with each updates, so stay tune!

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And don't forget, pass on the wisdom, share it!

Post updated 4/12/2013

1 comment:

Bluejay said...

I hate staying in bed days on end. Can't face anybody with my down and under appearance. I now do anything to shake myself up and out of bed.

I give myself a choice, either sleep or wake up. No more idling under the blanket.